Introducing StoreUI: Revolutionizing WooCommerce Store Management
I’m excited to share some big news with you all! After months of hard work and dedication, I’m proud to announce the launch of my latest project: StoreUI. As many of you know, I’ve been deeply involved in the WordPress…
Introduction to the WordPress REST API
The WordPress REST API is a powerful tool that allows developers to access and manipulate WordPress data from external applications. In this blog post, we will explain what the WordPress REST API is and how you can use it to…
The Null Coalescing Operator ?? and The Ternary Operator ?: in PHP
While I was working on a PHP project I came across those two notations ?? and ?: and realized that it’s not always obvious to determine when using one versus the other. That was a good candidate for a blog…
Comment Générer une Attestation de Sortie Covid-19 en un Clic sur Mobile
Just a quick post in French to help people generate automatically the mandatory authorization to go outside during the lockdown. La France est en confinement depuis aujourd’hui et c’est le retour de l’attestation obligatoire pour se déplacer. Puisque chaque sortie…
Restrict WooCommerce Subscriptions Creation Process to Specific User Roles
Here’s how you can restrict the WooCommerce Subscriptions creation process to some specific user roles only. Since WordPress is based on user capabilities, you can simply edit the capability corresponding to the role you want to target. This snippet will…
WooCommerce: Redirect to a Specific URL on Coupon Removal
Here’s a super short snippet, that someone asked a couple of days ago: how to redirect a visitor to a specific page when a coupon is removed on the cart page. Let’s say that you need/want to display specific content…
The Internet Carbon Footprint: my Talk at WordCamp Bordeaux 2019
I recently talked about the Internet carbon footprint at WordCamp Bordeaux. Here’s my presentation:
How to Fix Error “Another update is currently in progress” with WP-CLI
While I was working on a local install, I tried to update WordPress core to the latest version, and I saw an ugly message stating I couldn’t update. The problem is that the message is note super useful: Another update…