Since WC 2.1, some shortcodes in WooCommerce have been removed and replaced by endpoints. That means that some shortcodes aren’t valid anymore. Basically if you go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts tab, you will be able to view and edit endpoints values. Let’s say your “my account” page slug is “my-account”, then all pages will be reachable using this structure:
For the logout page it would be
Available endpoints
So, why did we choose to replace shortcodes by endpoints?
Well, WooCommerce is used by many non technical persons that can easily break it. In former WooCommerce versions, you had to create pages, create a link between those pages and WooCommerce settings, and add shortcodes to the newly created pages. That was too much, and too many risk to break the site. Now endpoints, give a really simple way to deal with custom urls and WooCommerce pages, without the risk of having a page without a shortcode that wouldn’t display anything.
How to add WooCommerce specific URLs to the WordPress menu
To add WooCommerce pages URLs to your WordPress main menu, simply go to Appearance > Menus in the WordPress main menu:
Then click on the links section:
And finally add custom URLs using the “my account” page slug and the endpoints values, and hit the add to menu button:
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