The French Community in the WordPress Ecosystem

As you might know, I am French, and since my talk in January at WordCamp Paris, i spent more time trying to know who makes the French community, and I wanted to understand why it’s so active. First of all most French WordPress thoughts leaders speak English, that’s the reason why they follow WordPress news thoroughly. Secondly they are passionate and involved. And finally they are talented. Honestly, they really are.

They are all specialized, some in the security, some in trainings, some in SEO, or some are even specialists in specific plugins like BuddyPress, or in WooCommerce (guess who I’m talking about!). But who are they? Who makes the WordPress French community so awesome? I will list in that post French people that I personally follow and for who I have a deep respect. I will probably forget some of them, and I do apologize for that, but I will do my best to be exhaustive.

Let’s meet WordPress French Gurus!



Website –
Twitter @BoiteAWeb

Julio Potier is a WordPress security expert that writes weekly posts, mainly about how to secure a WP install. He is also the author of a really good ebook about the secrets of the wp-config.php file, a must read, trust me! I had the chance to meet Julio at WordCamp Paris, where he made an excellent talk, and at Leiden for the WordCamp Europe. If you need a security expert, he’s your man! Finally, Julio as a bunch of great free plugins, check them out on his profile page.


Daniel ROCH

Twitter @rochdaniel

Daniel Roch is the French SEO specialist. He knows pretty much everything about how to optimize a WordPress install for Google. Daniel is the author of one of the best French book about WordPress SEO that you can find here. Like Julio, I met him at the same WordCamps, and all I have to say is that this guy is briliant!



Twitter @wpformation

Fabrice Ducarme provides advanced WordPress trainings in Paris and in the south of France. He made a great WooCommerce related talk at WordCamp Paris, and a guy that promotes WooCommerce can’t be a bad guy right? What really amazes me with Fabrice is the number of posts he writes and how these posts have a real impact on the French community. Any single post he writes receives tons of comments!


Aurelien DENIS

Twitter @wpchannel

Aurelien Denis is someone that provide a huge quantity of WordPress resources on his website. He also provides podcasts. Speaker at WordCamp Paris 2011, i met him quickly at WC Paris 2013, but unfortunately I didn’t get the time to spend more time with him. What I love with Aurelien is that he is so passionate, that’s just crazy, this guy lives and breathes WordPress. Check his website, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!


Mathieu VIET (aka iMath)

Twitter @imath

Mathieu Viet, also known as iMath is a BuddyPress aficionado and an awesome plugin developer. He made so many great stuff on BuddyPress that I really wonder if he takes the time to sleep… Simply crazy! Apart from being a thought leader, Mathieu is also very sporty and real nice guy that I met a few times and the first time was at WordCamp Paris, where he did a great talk about… BuddyPress of course! That’s great to have such a motivated guy in the French community that promotes BuddyPress!



Twitter @willybahuaud

I have to admit that the more I read Willy’s blog, the more I am impressed. His latest post about the Heart-Beat API is simply one of the best post I’ve ever read about this very specific API. Willy is a graphic designer and a developer, and it’s so unusual to be good in design and in developing code that I had to mention it. Thanks Daniel Roch to have introduced WordPress to Willy!


François-Xavier BENARD

Twitter @fxbenard

François-Xavier Benard, known as fxbenard on the web is a great guy that I met at WordCamp Europe, late at night! And wow… this guy is amazing! He’s what we can call a real nice person, he’s funny, entire, and talented. He’s passionate by translations and everything around making WordPress, themes and plugins multilingual. I know that he’s working on a fantastic project, so if you have any suggestion about how to make translation system better, ping FX!



Website –
Twitter @GeekPressFR

I met Jonathan at WordCamp Paris, but before i met him in person, i read his books, because yes Jonathan is the author of two great books (a memento and a book). Basically his memento is a great way to have a summary of the Codex most useful functions on paper. Pretty nice when you don’t have internet connection.



Twitter @herewithme

Amaury Balmer is the boss of BeApi, a WordPress agency based in Paris. He also makes part of, the team behind WordCamp Paris. What i like with Amaury is that his blog posts are the reflect of who he is: technical and straight to the point. Simply awesome. But as he’s very busy he doesn’t publish and that’s a shame. On the other side he’s very active on Twitter and is always ready to provide good advices.


Grégoire NOYELLE

Twitter @gregoirenoyelle

Grégoire Noyelle is a webdesigner and a Genesis fan that provides great posts mainly about this framework but not also. I like the fact that he’s not only a coder but also a Photoshop advanced user that posts pretty good articles about how to use the Adobe’s software to create WordPress themes. Grégoire was also at WordCamp Europe where I met him (also late at night…). Finally he is also a WP trainer.



Twitter @Fran6

Francis Chouquet is well known for two reasons: he’s talented and he wrote the most complete resource in French on how to create a WordPress (this post had more than 850 000 views and over 500 comments!). He also made a great talk at WordCamp Paris 2011. Unfortunately I never met him in person, but i’d love to.

Sincerely? No girls?

Well, I have to admit that the French community suffers of not having many girls involved… I’d like to mention @jennybeaumont and @aloisia who start to be involved and that’s great. I hope that Jenny will get a chance to speak at WordCamp Paris 2014!

And the others…

While I was writing this post I realized that there are so many talented and active people in the WordPress community, and unfortunately I don’t have the time to list them all, so i’d like to not forget: @benjaminlupu, @benkenobi07, @TweetPressFr, @jb_ma, @cree1site, @CreativeJuiz, @geoffrey_crofte, @ozh, @Raherian, @theloopfr, @thierrypigot, @pixenjoy, @gd6d, and @xibe!

Thanks all, you’re awesome! ;-)

17 responses to “The French Community in the WordPress Ecosystem”

  1. g3no

    très déçu de voir que Stéphane Briot et l’excellent ains que son programme WeAreBlogger qui tend à faire découvrir WordPress et se veut un espace de partage, ne soit meme pas mentionné dans cet article. De plus, si effectivement certaines personnes cités dans cet articles n’ont rien a prouver à personne quant à leur légitimité, d’autres au contraire devraient se remettre en question sur le contenu de leur site. C’est un avis perso, qui vaut ce qu’il vaut. Merci.

    1. Evidemment on ne peut pas lister tout le monde, c’est ce que j’indique à la fin de l’article, cela n’enlève rien à leur talent. Après je n’ai pas la science infuse et je ne connais malheureusement pas tous les acteurs de la communauté Française. En tout cas merci de les mentionner !

  2. g3no

    c’est déjà bien de mentionner ceux que tu as mentionné. bon article cela dit. merci. :)

  3. Merci beaucoup Rémi de m’avoir ajouté dans la liste.
    On se voit bientôt au #wcparis

  4. Thanks for another great post, Remi, and for the mention!

    Our disgruntled friend above highlights an interesting subject, one which is at the center of my thoughts these days: community. What is community? What does it mean to part of one? And where does the French contingent stand with regards to the greater WordPress community?

    As a long-time user / developer of WordPress, it took me a while to come forward and make myself known. At first I was of course drawn to the English-speaking community, but getting to know and become a part of the French community since attending WordCamp Paris back in January has been extremely rewarding.

    For me community means having a presence and contributing, even on the smallest level. We weren’t all meant to write books, but that shouldn’t stop anyone from sharing their knowledge and experience, and being supportive to others. Writing a book or having a successful website doesn’t automatically make you part of a community ; it’s a great achievement, but they are not the same to me.

    Being part of a WordPress community goes a step further in my mind: it is also actively encouraging new people to come forward and participate. WordPress is open source with an accent on *open*, as in open to all, come one, come many.

    Look forward to seeing you all at the next WordCamp!

    1. Awesome feedback Jenny! Many thanks!

  5. Vive la France!

    This is a cool roundup of WordPress folks. We’re planning on spending several weeks in France (probably around Paris) in the Spring of 2014 so I’d love to connect with other WordPress folks while I’m there.

    1. Daniel, I can send you some contacts names if you want!

    2. gd6d

      Hello Daniel. Don’t stay only in Paris ! Other regions are beautiful. I’ll be happy to show you around in the southwest of France and discuss with a wooninja!!! Feel free to get in touch with me through the affiliate wooworkers, because obviously Remi doesn’t have my name… ;-)

      1. I added you to the list Olivier!

  6. […] Rémi propose une liste des membres qu’il estime les plus impliqués dans la communauté française de WordPress… en anglais. […]

  7. Merci Rémi de m’avoir citer dans ta liste et pour rebondir sur le commentaire de Jenny si vous voulez participer à notre communauté de traducteurs c’est par ici
    Rendez-vous à Paris

  8. calliframe

    Liked the post ;-)
    Girls are coming don’t worry! But it takes some times to learn when you have discovered wordpress only 8 months ago ! But as it was love at first sight I guess that thanks to the Boys mentioned above I’ll learn and grow and one day maybe bring some girly touch !
    Great Blog and site by the way!

    1. Awesome! Thanks for your feedback!

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