Starting the “Blogging for Hippo” contest

Last year at WooThemes, we decided to create a small contest among WooThemes employees called “Blogging for Benjamin”. The aim was to write a blog post every single day during one month, and that was great! This year, Bryce and Barry decided to called it “Blogging for Hippo” (Hippo will be the mascot for the next WooCommerce main version). So, everyday I’ll be posting a new article, until december 24th, if I can ;-)

Why do we do this? Well, because we think it’s a great to motivate everyone in the team to create content for you guys! The rules are pretty simple, we must post everyday, and we *must* add an animated gif to every post (I don’t why, I think it’s because Bryce is just trolling us, again!). Each post must contain at least 250 words. And there’s nothing to win, just fun!

So, who is participating? For now:

I will definitely update that list when my WooThemes fellows will decide to participate in that contest. I’m pretty sure that Patrick Rauland will be in! (edit: Patrick joined the competition!)

So, that’s a great opportunity for you to let me know what you want to write about: WooCommerce? Custom Post Types? Taxonomies? Advanced queries? Just shout in the comments and I will listen to you and I’ll write stuff for you! Isn’t that awesome?

One last thing, please sure you follow other contestants sites, they are great resource for WordPress related stuff and don’t forget to follow the #bloggingforhippo hashtag on Twitter! So, let’s begin the Blogging for Hippo contest!

Oh and I was about to forget, here is the *required* gif:

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