My Wordcamp Paris Presentation is on line

Last friday i talked at Wordcamp Paris with some other great guys. As i promised, here is my presentation. You can use the code i placed into the slides without no problem. Do not hesitate to post a comment i you want to know more about some specific points.

Wordcamp Paris 2013 from corsonr

11 responses to “My Wordcamp Paris Presentation is on line”

  1. Emmanuel

    Merci Remi pour la réactivité de la diffusion !

  2. […] 11h00 – Rémi  avec l’utilisation de l’existant dans le développement WordPress […]

  3. Alex | WP Themes Pro

    Bonjour Rémi,

    C’était un plaisir d’assister à ta présentation, j’ai pu y découvrir des fonctions sympas comme add_thickbox() par exemple.
    Tu m’as aussi fait découvrir Themergency :)

    Merci à toi et à bientôt !

    1. Merci Alex! Ca me fait très plaisir ! Si j’avais eu la possibilité j’aurais bien parlé d’autres fonctions plus techniques, de certains helpers qu’on ne connait quasiment pas, mais bon… la prochaine fois peut-être !

  4. Gilles Vauvarin

    Thanks Rémi for this presentation, a lot of interesting things. I need to go further with some functions or concepts you spoke about.

    Hope to see you again in another event ;-)

    1. Thanks Gilles, you’re presentation was also really instructive, and you saved my life with Aqua Page Builder ! That’s a killer plugin. I already made a few improvements to it and it’s now even more awesome!

  5. Gilles Vauvarin

    Agree with you, APB plugin really rocks!

    Do you intend to do a pull request on the APB’s Github repository to propose your improvements to @Sy4mil? Can’t wait to discover these improvements.

    On my to do-list, I’ve planed to implement this “super editor” ( in an APB’s block. As this plugin is a widget and APB is builed with the same pattern as a widget, it must probably be easy to do.

    1. No, i can add my improvements are they’ve been asked by a client that want to keep the new elements for themselves… I’ll explain you all that by skype.

  6. […] à mon intervention, c’est Rémi qui a enchaîné avec sa présentation pour clôturer la matinée. Les organisateurs nous ont gentiment invité au restaurant du coin pour […]

  7. […] Source : My Wordcamp Paris Presentation is on line […]

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