I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Paris 2013



I love WordPress. That’s the reason why i will be speaking at WordCamp Paris 2013. It’s been a long time since i wanted to do it, and 2013 is the right moment to express what i have to say about WordPress. The thing is that since WordPress 3.0, things have changed, really, they have changed.WordPress became one of the most popular CMS around the globe, and Custom Post Types brought and brand new approach to “using WordPress as a CMS”. I’ve been working with WP for years and it’s time to  share my experience, and to propose some great ideas. I’ll be talking about how to use the existing tables, functions and core methods during developments to avoid reinventing the wheel. Too often, developers create custom functions or custom classes that already exist in the core files. So, why not spending a little more time on already existing files ? Trying to do better than what WordPress core developers do, trust me, it’s pretty hard, so take advantage of what they included in WordPress. It will be safer, and probably easier to implement.

At WordCamp Paris, some other great guys will be speaking, here is the list:

L’ordre de passage n’est pas encore établi, mais voici les noms et titres des conférences :

I’m sure this day will be a great day, so, save the date: 18th Jan. 2013!

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