While I was working on a local install, I tried to update WordPress core to the latest version, and I saw an ugly message stating I couldn’t update.
The problem is that the message is note super useful:
Another update is currently in progress.
And there was actually no indication on what to do. Well, if you know WordPress, you know that this is a temporary issue that will self fix since it’s tied to a temporary option. Once the option gets deleted via a cron task, the update will be doable.
But I was in a hurry and had to update WordPress right away. Hopefully WP-CLI came to my rescue. Here’s how I fixed the issue.
All you have to do really, is deleting the core_updater.lock option for the wp_options table, and retry to perform the core update. You can do so via the following WP-CLI command:
wp option delete core_updater.lock
and then update WordPress with:
wp core update
and you’re done!
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