Dreamweaver like Coda 2 Theme

I’ve been using Adobe Dreamweaver for long… when i was working on PC, before switching to Mac. And what i loved where Dreamweaver syntax coloration. Well i don’t know if now if still really love it or if i got used to it, but i have always used this coloration in coda 1.6. I have just created a Dreamweaver like Coda 2 theme that i give as  a freebie  for those who like it! Enjoy!

[button color=”primary” size=”large” link=”https://remicorson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/dreamweaver.sss_.zip”]Download Dreamweaver Like Coda 2 Theme[/button]


3 responses to “Dreamweaver like Coda 2 Theme”

  1. Twitch

    Thank you for this. Very helpful.

  2. Aaron Robeson

    Thanks, I’ve been looking for this for a while.

  3. Sheldon

    Thanks! Really appreciate it.

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