Discover “Candidate”, the first theme for Easy WordPress Donations Plugin

Candidate WordPress Theme home

As you might know, i created a plugin called “Easy WordPress Donations” that allows easy donations process integration into any WordPress website. And today i’m really excited to announce that Theme Blossom created the first theme “Easy WordPress Donations ready”, it’s called “Candidate”. That means that the theme and the plugin perfectly match, and the plugin is fully integrated into the theme. And to be honest the theme is so beautiful!

Candidate, a really powerful WordPress theme

Here is how the theme creators introduce it:

Candidate is a WordPress theme designed specifically for political and public figures. Drawing inspiration from the modern political arena and experience in building politically themed websites this design is flexible enough to fit any political option and social issue. With a few simple adjustments your site can go from a serious campaign presentation to a more informal grassroots movement. It’s easy to work on and has everything you need to reach out to your supporters.

[button color=”primary” size=”large” link=””]Get the theme now for just $45 ![/button]

[button size=”small” link=””]Live Theme Preview[/button]


7 responses to “Discover “Candidate”, the first theme for Easy WordPress Donations Plugin”

  1. ORB

    I haven’t been able to buy form themeforest. Is there any other way to buy this theme?


    1. No, this is the only way you can buy it.

  2. Ed Carroll

    I’m using the candidate theme and purchased your donation widget, but the donation amounts do NOT show on the web site of

    Any suggestions?


    1. Simply change the color of the progress bar. It’s set to white (and the radio buttons labels use this color). Set it to red and the magic will appear!

  3. Delphin_BOCK

    Thank you for this ‘Candidate’ wordpress theme. It’s great.
    If you can a perfectly theme, add ‘wp-elections’ wordpress plugin.
    You can create and run your own elections campaign.
    Watch this address :
    It’s really useful and professionnal.

  4. TrafficSafetyGuy

    I have this theme, which overall I like, and I am using Easy WP Donations, but the one problem is that it is important to remember that many states in the US have a variety of requirements for contributions. The Donations form as it stands is not sufficient for election requirements, (extra information needed for larger donations, can’t be anonymous, etc.). It is my hope that Version 2 will remedy those limitations.

    1. TrafficSafetyGuy

      On, also, that we can require certain fields in addition to the name and email. It all looks good and at least it is very easy to set up – that is a big bonus.

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