Author: Remi
Introduction to the WordPress REST API
The WordPress REST API is a powerful tool that allows developers to access and manipulate WordPress data from external applications.…
The Null Coalescing Operator ?? and The Ternary Operator ?: in PHP
While I was working on a PHP project I came across those two notations ?? and ?: and realized that…
Comment Générer une Attestation de Sortie Covid-19 en un Clic sur Mobile
Just a quick post in French to help people generate automatically the mandatory authorization to go outside during the lockdown.…
Restrict WooCommerce Subscriptions Creation Process to Specific User Roles
Here’s how you can restrict the WooCommerce Subscriptions creation process to some specific user roles only. Since WordPress is based…
WooCommerce: Redirect to a Specific URL on Coupon Removal
Here’s a super short snippet, that someone asked a couple of days ago: how to redirect a visitor to a…
The Internet Carbon Footprint: my Talk at WordCamp Bordeaux 2019
I recently talked about the Internet carbon footprint at WordCamp Bordeaux. Here’s my presentation:
How to Fix Error “Another update is currently in progress” with WP-CLI
While I was working on a local install, I tried to update WordPress core to the latest version, and I…
WPBootCamp 2nd Edition: It’s a Wrap!
Back in September, I co-organized the second edition of the WP BootCamp, in Brittany, France. After organizing the 1st edition…
WooCommerce 3.5: Bring Me That Preview Button Back!
Alright alright! You just updated to WooCommerce 3.5, and you can’t see the Preview Changes button anymore in the Publish…